The Meeker Parent Teacher Organization’s mission is to provide…
Community Building
To sponsor community building activities for the Meeker community. Examples of community-building activities include welcome-back-to-school events, Carnival, staff appreciation events, and opportunities for parent and family learning.
Communication between parents and staff
To provide a forum for parents and staff to learn about and provide input regarding the operation of our schools and significant topics related to our children’s education.
Access to administration
To provide a forum for the school and district administrators to access parent opinion.
The PTO coordinates:
Website Upkeep
Facebook Promotions
Print promotions
Meeker swag sales
Supply Drop Night treats
Dine to Donate (one each month)
Meeker STAR t shirt design and order
Family Hike
Fall Book Fair
Recess After Hours
Movie Night and making popcorn
Author Visits
Family Game Night
Spring Carnival
Silent Auction
Winter Book Fair
ISASP treats
Mileage Club
Food for Teachers during Fall conferences
Food for Teachers during Spring conferences
Teacher Appreciation week
Stocking the fridge and cupboard
Bright SchoolKitz
Field Day
PTO member BBQ Celebration
In order accomplish our mission, communication with parents is key. There are multiple ways parents, staff, and administration can contact the Meeker PTO.
Anyone can contact the Meeker PTO through our email at
You can contact any one of our PTO officers with any questions you may have.
President - Debra Kumar
Vice President - Julie Kruse
Outgoing President - Amy Worrel
Co-Treasurer - Michelle Ybarra-Rojas & Hien Nguyen
Communications - Stephanie Marsau
Secretary - OPEN